Idiom News

Claims Experience 2016 - Sydney, Australia

Date: 23/05/2016

Enhancing the Claims Experience through Customer-Centric Processes and Efficient Operations

IDIOM's Mark Norton is an Associate Partner and presenting 'The True History of the Future' - Systems that Embrace Change.

Tuesday 24th May - 12:10 PM  'The True History of the Future'

How we provision our systems today must anticipate the ‘true history of the future’

  • There are few certainties in the future, and one of them is that something big and unforeseen is going to change it 
  • Have you thought about what these few certainties might be? Have your systems provisioning plans considered the history of the future? And if they did, what if you are wrong? 
  • The true history of the future is about to be revealed, so that you can plan accordingly!


Read the presentation HERE

Mark Norton 
Managing Director
IDIOM Limited
IDIOM Limited