IDIOM Dialog Manager

IDIOM Dialog Manager

The IDIOM Dialog Manager is a conversational web form that is populated by IDIOM Decision Models on the one hand, and by internet users on the other.


The conversation ebbs and flows between the browser based internet user and the server based decision model, which is acting as an intelligent proxy for a business subject matter expert.


The Dialog Manager will share the same primary decision models that are used by all other processes, including IDIOM Forms, for a consistent process and outcome regardless of the form factor used. The key difference in approach between IDIOM Forms and the Dialog Manager is in the volume of data that is in scope for the user at any point in time – the Dialog Manager breaks up the full data context into small, coherent sections, and serves these in ‘bite sized chunks’ that can be easily understood and responded to by the internet user.


A strong focus on user guidance in the form of help text and ‘model answers’ means that the information flow is truly two way, guiding casual or less sophisticated users through a more conversational user interaction.


The conversational elements themselves are easily set up by Subject Matter Experts or Business Analysts acting independently, so that conversational web transactions can be built and adapted in ‘business time’ to keep pace with the speed of learning by the business.


  • Dialog Manager as Supplied
    • An IDIOM browser interface (Angular) is provided – responds to server supplied dialog meta-data without programming
    • Entire business context is live on the server for immediate responses
    • Fully responsive, designed specifically for a mobile device browser


Or extend and enhance:

  • Customer Specified Meta Data – build your own dialog capability with a customized dialog meta-model and decision models
  • Customised Browser Interface – Any browser presentation capability can be used in place of the IDIOM supplied default if desired, or we will customize ours for you
  • Server to Server Dialog – plug the dialog into your own server application (e.g. SiteCore) for complete control of the browser session and user experience


Key points of difference:

Complex transactions for casual, untrained users

  • Serve the most complex transactions to a new community of users who are otherwise unreachable for these transactions
  • New products and new services are easily developed and deployed


The full extent of business policy is implemented on the server to interpret and drive the dialog

  • All logic, algebra, and business rules execute on the server in real-time
  • A complete representation of all of the Dialog owner’s knowledge embedded into the transaction as a fast, accurate, and reliable ‘expert proxy’
  • Fully integrated into every cycle of the Dialog i.e. per passage
  • These core business rules are reusable across all other applications


The business is in control

  • Development of all Dialog components is done by Subject Matter Experts or Business Analysts so that business owners can develop and deploy Dialogs in ‘business time’ without IT constraint
  • Keep all business IP secure on the Server while serving it to users across the web (no client-side logic).


Audit and Control

  • Every step of every Dialog is recorded and persisted automatically for audit and non-repudiation
  • External and legacy systems can be integrated and aligned in real-time to reflect dialog based transactions